Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I Love Your Blog! Awardsiness

That's so COOL!

Nicole B. over at http://www.wordforteens.blogspot.com/ nominated me for the I Love Your Blog award. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Nicole! I love yours too!

The rules to the ILYB awards are as follows:

1. You put the logo and the rules on your blog

2. You link the person who gave it to you

3. You give seven of your favorite blogs

4. You have to tell them they're given the award

Okeydokey. My nominations are:

Miss Couturable (http://www.misscouturable.blogspot.com/): Noel runs a peerless fashion + life blog that makes my day, every day.

The Pema Pad (http://thepemapad.freehostia.com/): Pema hands out fantastic advice and support for every writing teenager, and I'm so impressed with what she's accomplished.

All Five Stars (http://fivestarreading.blogspot.com/): Gabbi writes brilliant, straight reviews, devoid of flattery or high-fives, and I respect her opinion.

Melissa Walker (www.melissacwalker.com/blog): Melissa writes about fashion, body image, culture, books and cover stories (incroyable!) and is the perfect read for any day.

Janette Rallison (http://www.janette-rallison.blogspot.com/): Janette, apart from writing very funny books, writes a blog about the author's life and the dogs of Orlando Bloom. Wonderful combination.

Teen Fiction Cafe (http://www.teenfictioncafe.blogspot.com/): This is a collective blog that rocks my socks. I love them. So much.

AND I can't think of one more even though I read 35 blogs. Who would you nominate? Self-noms are fine.

1 comment:

Gabbi said...

hey, thanks so much!