Saturday, May 17, 2008

Bookshelf: Hit the Movies

It seems like there are a million movies made about writers. Writing is such a romantic profession-- imagine the hours of inspiration, the flurry of publicity, etc., etc. Sometime Hollywood hits the proverbial nail, othertimes we hit the proverbial nail with laughter at their mistakes. Here are five of the most laughable and most notable.
Cheaper by the Dozen Bonnie Hunt plays Mrs. Gailbraith in this cheesy feel-gooder. Mrs. G gets a book contract and, amazingly, has her book published in the course of three weeks. Umm... the shortest time span is usually 9 months for any novel... but it's the movies, right? If you haven't read the CLASSIC humor book by the same name, check it out right now. It will make your hypothetical Coca-Cola spurt out of your nose.

Finding Forrester Sean Connery is the writer who only wrote one book, the great book, and then disappeared. This is a fantastic movie, though rated PG13 for some language. If you have a family of middle schoolers and up, let them all watch it. Basketball, race relations and writing never made a better combination.
Miss Potter Renee Zellweger plays Beatrix Potter, the creator of more childhood classics than possibly Hans Christian Anderson (and no, I have not found a movie about him yet.) This is a sweet movie and it captures the spirit of a woman who found her place in her drawings.

Sylvia Gwyneth Plath plays the infamous Sylvia Plath. I have not seen this movie and so cannot give advice regarding ratings, etc; although anything about Sylvia Plath is going to be... interesting. Still, Gwyneth's a decent actress. Anybody seen this?

Little Women Pre-shoplifting Winona Ryder plays Jo, one of the best characters EVER, in Louisa May Alcott's classic. Based on the author herself, Jo has to find her own writer's voice and famously learn to write what she knows. This is an all-out fantastic movie for anybody with a brain, and especially writers.

This doesn't even cover TV shows (Gilmore Girls, Murder She Wrote) that feature writers, or the plethora of movies based on books. Prince Caspian comes out this weekend, though: see you there!

There are some great recommendations in this article "Top 10 Movies for Writers," click here for more.

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