Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Writing and Extra-Curricular Activities

How can writing and school intersect? I'm not an expert, but through different ECs I've been able to use writing and have fun with school friends. Writers having a social life? Not a completely impossible scenario... sort of...
Debate Team. Lincoln-Douglas, or LD, Debate uses both prepared cases and on-your-feet thinking to let students argue about moral issues of the day. The current resolution is about the United States joining an international crimes court. If you're interested in writing about ethics, see if there's an LD Debate team at your school.
Literary Magazine. This is a traditional way to be involved with literariness at school. Join your Lit-Mag and see how teen writing is different for "school" than it is for "publication." What can you learn? Loads. Most of these magazines focus on poetry rather than prose.
Destination Imagination. This of-the-coolest EC is designed to make you solve problems creatively. Many of the Challenges can be met with a script: quite an opportunity for budding playwrights. It's a neat chance to use the arts, science and technology in a competitive environment... with PEOPLE!
Newspaper. If journalism is your cup of tea, it only makes sense to start writing for your school paper. If your school paper stinks (it happens), ask the journalism teacher to give you the names of your local paper's community-friendly editors. Then get in touch with them about writing.
School Newsletter. Many schools publish a monthly or quarterly newsletter for parents, to let them know about events and experiences at the school. Talk to your school secretary about writing a piece on a landmark activity for this, and see your writing in the hands of all your friends' parents. It's usually a good thing.
Underground Blogging. If you're super rebellious, start an anonymous blog called The Secret Life of a ____ Student and write snarky reports about teachers and students and homework. Print out flyers and mysteriously spread them over the school. You could get suspended (minus) or super famous and never get caught (plus.) Just saying.

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