Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Practice Query Round

The way this will work...

After reading our WORD (8/2/07) Issue 7, you will know the basics of what a query is, why it's important and a general outline of how to do it. I will provide examples, but this is for YOU to try it out without having to face rejection!

Choose your "article," "magazine," and "editor. You can use the prompts below, or have fun with your own.

"How to Use 101 Bananas" for FruitLuvvers. Editor: Apple Deelish.

"The Quail" for Tragic Poultry. Editor: Ima Sosad.

"Jokes for the Humorless" for I Can't Laugh. Editor: Hea Haha.

Write your bio. I recommend you write a true one of yourself, using the tips in the WORD article. If you really, really want to, you can make it up.

Write your pitch. This is where your creativity comes in. Again, check the WORD guidelines!!

Send it to me! Email it to Gabrielle at . I will get back to you very quickly!

DISCLAIMER: I will not send you an email back telling you HOW ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE YOU ARE. Neither will I hand out gross flattery. This is a practice round. If I see a really great example of a bio, I'll tell you. If I think you should condense the query, I'll tell you. It's just a good way to practice the art of querying.

Can't wait for Sunday? comment here!

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