Saturday, August 25, 2007

Quizzical Quandaries And Other Questions

Q is such a funny letter, isn't it?

Well, Innovative 6 is getting there. I've written WORD, know what I'm going to say in Spotlighted! and Bookshelf. This week's topic is How to Use Writing Lit. There's so many books, zines and blogs about the subject, how can you possibly choose the best things to read? What should you gain from them? Find out tomorrow!

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LOOKING AHEAD... Next week I'd like to cover Quizzical Questions: What Queries Are and How to Write Them. This is a big topic but a very, very important one. So there's two special events that are going to happen to coincide with it.

First, at that time I will start accepting ideas from people who would like to write WORD one week.

The way that will work... I'd rather have ideas first, because I don't want you to write a 400 word essay and then get an email from me saying, that isn't what I'm looking for. We do enough of that in the writing world (and actually, that's one of the reasons we have queries...) So if you would like to speak to WriTeens about almost anything connected to the word "Writing", start talking to me. This is a great opportunity, whether you've been published before or not.

Second, again, because Queries are so important, we're going to practice! More on that next week, but think: pretending to write outrageous stories and see what I, representing THE EDITOR, will think of them. This will be one-on-one, but if yours is super good, I'll share them here.

That's all for now, folks! I'm 17 pages away from my rewrite being done, so I better chug along.

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